November 6- November 10

Monday- Constant of Proportionality

Tuesday-Proportional Relationships with tables

Wednesday Proportional Relationships with graphs

Thursday- Quiz: Proportionality

Friday- Non-Proportional Relationships



Unit 4

(4) Proportionality. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent and solve problems involving proportional relationships. The student is expected to: (A) represent constant rates of change in mathematical and real-world problems given pictorial, tabular, verbal, numeric, graphical, and algebraic representations, including d = rt;(C) determine the constant of proportionality (k = y/x) within mathematical and real-world problems; 

(7) Expressions, equations, and relationships. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent linear relationships using multiple representations. The student is expected to represent linear relationships using verbal descriptions, tables, graphs, and equations that simplify to the form y = mx + b.

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